The Industrial robot: How does it work?


The industrial robot is present in all industries. A programmed system that allows the automation and optimization of production by carrying out various tasks and seems to be the ideal solution for many companies. We will break down how it works and how to choose the best industrial robot.

The industrial robot : What is it?

An industrial robot, as defined by the International Organization for Standardization, is an automatically controlled, multi-active, versatile and programmable system that consists of three or more axes. There are two types of robots: Cartesian robots and poly-articulated robots.

The Cartesian system is a linear robot that moves on three orthogonal axes (X,Y and Z) according to Cartesian data. It is made from a form of linear actuators.

 A poly-articulated robot can move in a 3D environment thanks to its rotoid joints. It usually has 6 axes.

 Each robot has its own characteristics and technologies. The most important of these are the range of actions and the maximum load capacity, which sets the limits of the machine's capability. These elements allow you to choose the most suitable industrial robot. It is possible to improve the performance of a robot with additional axes: linear axes, positioners or to move it with a mobile platform.

 A robotic system has three major components:

 A mechanical part: the arm itself which is composed of motors on each axis.

 An electronic part: the control cabinet with its central unit which ensures the servo control, its sensors and speed variators.

 A computer part: in the form of a specific programming language that allows the robotic machine to be controlled by linking it to its user and its environment. This computer part includes a calculator that converts the coded motor data into Cartesian values.

 It is the programming that allows the elements to link between them and to make a naked robot, a tool for the automation of industrial operations. There are three methods:

 Programming by learning is the first method to be developed. It consists in creating trajectories by memorizing Cartesian coordinates. This will determine the robot's working and passing positions. This method is performed directly on the android via the control box, the smartPAD at KUKA, or by manual guidance with suitable tools, such as the ready2_pilot.

 The calculated method came next. It consists of determining the position of the points using formulas based on the first point defined.

 A third method appeared, modifying the practice of the first two. The off-line programming consists in creating and simulating the trajectories on an off-line programming software. Thus, the working environment of the robotic solution is recreated and allows a large panel of tests.

What is the purpose of an industrial robot?

Applications in robotics are used as a major tool in many industries such as automotive, food processing, electronics, metallurgy, plastics manufacturing but also in the medical sector. The robotic arm is suitable for many different applications depending on its essential characteristics and the tool at its disposal. The main applications are :

Assembly and mounting


Material Handling



Foundry and forging

Robotic Welding and cutting of all materials

Pick and place

Die casting



